Monday, February 25, 2013

It's been a while...

Yeah, I know. I've been distracted permanently. Is that the same as ADHD? Anyways, I doubt anyone will be reading this but for my own curiosity I decided to write up a little post. I redesigned because I was bored and I like intense colors. I'm also very tired so this will be short. All I need is an answer to a question open to everyone. What brings you joy? Go!


  1. Oh I'm still reading it! :) Thinking of you always makes me smile. Maybe that's not "joy" but it's a start.

  2. Ha ha. Wow. I'm glad to know I bring a smile. Thanks Brian. :) You've been waiting a long time for me to post.

  3. I was shocked when this popped up in my Reader--I thought you were gone for good! I'll say that joy, for me, is family. (And a second "joy" maker, in my current situation, is getting more than 3.5 hours of sleep at one time!)

  4. Little things mostly. Conversation, beautiful flowers, quiet moments, my nephews and nieces, laughing until I cry, helping someone reach their potential, Disney :), and unexpected surprise, a reassurance that it will all be ok, faith that Heavenly Father knows me, singing, connecting with others, a really, I mean, really good sandwich, memories, a good story, forgiveness, talking, relationships, listening, dancing around the house, a warm blanket fresh from the dryer, my dogs when I come home, sitting in the dark watching my students succeed. I guess when it comes right down to it, being alive and in awe of all the wonderful things in life brings me joy.
